Food for the Soul is designed to give its participants an opportunity to share in a simple meal, for example, soup and bread (served vegan and gluten-free), as well as discussions regarding introspection and ideas on various subjects related to Mind, Body and Spirit. Small groups of 8-10 individuals convene around a table and are led by OMA members.
In our modern world we can lose ourselves in a number of ways with busy lives, stressful jobs, financial burdens and mindless entertainment as an escape. At times we feel like life is a crazy, tedious grind and there’s just got to be something more.

What do you think it means to be spiritually connected? How does it matter? Perhaps you feel a spiritual connection with others in relationships that are profoundly meaningful. Or maybe the state of connectedness that you experience is an affinity with nature or a oneness with all beings alive or in the heavens. It could also be that you have little interest in spiritual matters and take a more pragmatic approach toward life and the fulfillment of self and happiness.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to share all of your thoughts and questions about your spirituality in a safe, open and non-judgmental space? And to be able to discuss your underlying needs and fears with those who likely follow similar journeys?
Come join Food for the Soul to share soup and bread (vegan and gluten-free) with intimate conversation as we discover a deeper connection and gain understanding of topics on Mind, Body and Spirit in a community based on acceptance and love.