InflexionPoint Podcast

Cultivating Change from the Inside Out

The Cairo Question: Will two-year old Cairo have to protest in his lifetime for the birthright to freely and peacefully exist in the skin in which he was born? Not if we put our faith in a different future.

Activism through coaching serves as a model for antiracism activation built on four pillars: courage, conversation, relationship, and accountability. The conversation is based on the premise that dismantling racism goes beyond laws and legislation or politics or economics. It’s an inside job where personal transformation and accountability impact social change in multiple dimensions: individual, interpersonal, systemic, and structural. InflexionPoint Podcast is a place to get comfortable with deconstructing your inner thoughts, ideas, and beliefs to examine what flows out into the world through your words, actions, and behaviors, particularly towards others who are different from yourself.

Join Host/Creator Anita Russell, and co-hosts Gail Hunter and Mavis Bauman in a brave space for conversations about racism, personal transformation and individual accountability every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month @6:00-7:00 Eastern on Anita’s Inflexionpoint Podcast or OMA’s Podcast.