Global Youth Initiative – April and October
During the John Maxwell Team Global Youth Initiative Month, Certified John Maxwell Team members from all around the world, host FREE events to equip youth with skills needed to serve as leaders in all areas of their lives. Event sites vary in size and scope but all events are:
Hosted by local Certified John Maxwell Team Members
Designed to engage youth in YouthMAX Plus leadership curriculum
GYI Community Leads: The SOAR GYI Coaches will identify a team of community leads to collaborate and develop the plan for two back-to-back events in each community, a Friday evening walk-in prayer gathering and a Saturday mid-morning workshop for 20-25 youth participants (Ratio ~ 8:1)
GYI Call to Action: Those initial community leads will commit to recruiting other members to assist in developing/executing the plan as per the local community. Primary responsibilities include identifying a venue for Friday PM and Saturday AM events (preferably the same venue), assisting with communication and spreading the word to invite youth. Advanced registration is required only for the Saturday workshops.
GYI Saturday Youth Leadership Workshop
The community team will decide together which workshops and age group to serve. Topics:
- 3 Important Letters – importance of believing in yourself and having a positive self-image
- Your True Strength – value of being your true self and “keeping it real” (authenticity)
- The Kind Connection – true connection to others is showing compassion and kindness
- Failure Is Important to Success – value of failure and the importance of getting back up (resilience)
- 5 Steps for Success – maximize abilities and strategies for life success
FREE for youth participants
These engaging workshops use the YouthMAX Plus leadership curriculum to inspire and equip young people to value themselves and others, by developing and maintaining a positive self-image, showing compassion to others, persevering in the midst of adversity, and creating a daily routine of successful attitudes and behavior. Through engaging and interactive sessions, youth of various ages will learn how self-leadership allows them to be a positive influence with their family, teachers and peers.