Our Friends from Site Nite

Welcome Site Nite!

OMA Welcomes all Site Nite Members to our Lecture Series, Workshops, and Food for the Soul! OMA offers special programs too, like Art in the Garden, the first youth program through OMA Pittsburgh and a model that we envision for other community gardens interested in investing in the EQ of Pittsburgh’s youth. We are also involved in trauma-informed training for teachers and parents and the development of a Collaborative Trauma Symposium for the Fall of 2019.

We’ve known Site Nite to be a successful, informative resource and facilitator for spiritual, Intuitive and telepathic gifts over the past nine years. Since Site Nite dissolved their organization this Fall, we know it will be greatly missed by their members and the entire community. We at OMA, with love and open arms, welcome all members of Site Nite to join us and feel at home with OMA, and continue your spiritual and intuitive growth through our Lecture Series, Workshops and Programs.

Thank you!