Being Curious (Part 2)

As I’m driving back to the gas station to look for my glove, I pass some fire trucks soliciting cash and new toys for Christmas. Humm, I think, I have some new toys at home not being gifted this year which can be donated. Sometimes I buy ahead a few gifts to have on hand.

After finding my glove and going home, I look for the toys, and prepare a clear bag of toys for donation. I drive back to the donation spot and park in the nearby lot. Walking over to the donation spot, waving to Santa, holding up my bag of toys for their approval/thumbs up.

I walk around the cars and pickup trucks to the van being filled with toys. Seeing police officers and firemen, I greet them and thank them for their efforts as I meet these men for the first time. I’m appreciative of their actions to collect the toys for the community.

I notice that I have a little extra effort; in my voice, my smile, as I speak to them. I’m just donating some toys and am appreciative of their support to the community, so why do I feel a little extra tension? Is there something I can do to help myself in this situation?

I prefer to notice the glass half full rather than half empty, so experiment with my studies in Alexander Technique. Being curious, I wonder where in my body do I feel more ease. I notice a place in my body where I feel a bit more ease. Continuing, where is another place I feel more ease? I wonder if I can turn down my volume s bit and reduce my extra effort, which I don’t need, as I continue the conversation. Interesting experiment.

With my donation, I was offered 5 sprigs/blooms from the FLOWERRAMA florist on Babcock Blvd. The truck collecting the toys was in the parking lot. I’m not advertising for any florist and wish to just comment how nice it was to be able to receive this bouquet at a cart in the parking lot. Funny, how a few sprigs can add cheer to a room.

I think about this at home, and consider telling you all about my morning in the OMA blog. Will it be of interest? As I think about this, I realize in today’s world, my experience could be labeled as noticing some “social anxiety”. I get up, walk around the room, and feel a pull to eat something. (A desire to chew something). But I don’t need to eat anything right now. Instead, I choose to get a glass of water and head back to my chair, to write these words, first draft, before I join my Alexander Technique online class. I continue to study Alexander Technique and various other healing modalities as I also do some teaching.

I review this writeup in January, and revise it for posting. I notice my teacher Mio Morales is teaching a free beginner’s series for anyone that has never taken his paid Alexander Technique courses. I have studied with a variety of teachers, including Mio and continue to do so, as each person has their own perspective to share. We all learn from each other. His free class begins Feb 2. If interested, check out this link.

I’m working on my 2024 intentions which will include some classes offered to anyone interested in the subjects I will offer. In a week or so  I will share how this process is going with me.   I’m sharing a favorite quote of mine below.  Have a great week and be kind to yourself!  

Beyond the rightness or wrongness of things there is a field, I’ll meet you there. ~Rumi