Being Curious 1

Getting out of bed one December Saturday morning to go swimming, I curl back into bed for a few minutes then need to get moving to reach the YMCA for my 8 am booking. 

Heading to the YMCA, and noticing my tire’s low pressure alarm, so I stopped at Sheetz to add air to the tire. My right passenger side tire has been needing air more frequently. Whether related to tire stem or something else, is unknown. I’m the only person looking to inflate my tire, so proceed. While adding some air, which is going slow, another car pulls up nearby. I feel the presence of the car, and wish to hurry to allow that car an opportunity to proceed.  I wiggle the stem, and after a few tries the tire is getting inflated.  When at the appropriate level, I restore the cap on the tire, replace the air hose, return to my car and leave.

As I’m driving off, I’m thinking, “I only have one glove. What happened to the other one? Missing right glove”.  When I arrive at the Y,I look for the glove, but it is not in my coat pocket, pants pocket, or on the car seat.   I go ahead into the Y, heading to the locker room, and see several tables of lost and found items including shoes, clothes, water bottles, goggles, towels and such.

I enjoy swimming followed by some water exercises then use the stationary bicycle, elliptical, and rowing machines.   I leave, intending to do a couple of errands, and decide to stop back at Sheetz and look for my glove.

Stopping at the gas station which is much busier now, my glove is on the lot. It’s been driven over, and is dirty but can be washed. It appears it was dropped as I walked behind my car to get in the driver’s seat.

Great to recover my glove! Could I have taken more time for myself, as I moved to the car to leave, to check I had everything with me?


What can I do in the present, to be more aware of myself and my surroundings?

I felt a bit of tension when observing a car in line behind me. I placed that tension on myself.  I can experiment and change my process next time. I can add a pause, look around and ensure I have everything with me as I take my next step.

What about all the items at the Y’s lost and found? What are the circumstances around those lost or left items? Would others be interested in an experiment to be more present in their surroundings? Would it make a difference on the number of items accumulating in the “lost and found”?

Are there times any of you experience this, andif so, what are the circumstances? Does being tired, in a hurry for yourself or others, or on a deadline have an effect?  How about when several conversations are active at the same time? Do you notice any internal or external pressure? 

Did something else come out of this experience? Check back next week!

Meanwhile, anyone enjoying being curious can sign up for the Fourth Annual International Online Alexander Technique Summit.

It’s taking place from January 15-20.

All the sessions are completely free, and you can attend as many as you want!

Information on all the sessions offered and registration can be found here:

One thought on “Being Curious

  • Toni

    Thank you, this happens to me a lot more since my head injury in 2021 and I’m just realizing how I allow others to “stress me out” & cause anxiety by rushing me and then I miss things or forget vital objects or information. This further cause me anxiety and I get frustrated and angry but I am learning now to “praise” and take stock of my surroundings, double checking for possible items that I may forget or information that I need to address before I move on. your “experiment “is so easy, yet effective! Again, thank you!

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