Join us for this 5 week course that explores Spiritual Activation & Trauma Healing: A Path to Becoming Whole with Katie Rubin
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm EDT
Weekly Zoom Meetings starting October 11th
Join us for the next course in tapping into the healing potential and divine light with Master Healer and Akashic Records Reader Katie Rubin!
In this 5 week class, we will get clear on your core wounds and begin to very deeply bring the Divine Light to your deepest personal trauma. As we do so, we will simultaneously be aligning you with your Spirit Guides, Star Team, Angels, Higher Self, and Divine Consciousness Itself. Trauma Healing IS Spiritual Alignment work. And, Spiritual Activation facilitates trauma healing.
Let's DIG IN and get it moving, and clear it all out, my friends!
Class Dates: October 11th, 2023 thru November 8th, 2023
Each class will be held via Zoom Meeting from 6:30-8:30 PM. A replay will be provided to each registered participant within 48 hours of the original broadcast.
The link for the course will be shared in the confirmation email, as well as prior to each class. All links will come from Eventbrite, so PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDERS if you do not receive a confirmation after your ticket purchase.
About Katie Rubin
Master Healer and Akashic Records Reader Katie Rubin spent 4 years at The University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism releasing her own trauma, opening her Spiritual Channel, and developing her Healing Skills and Psychic Abilities.
She has since attended two other four-year-long Energy Healing Institutions including Lisa Barnett's Advanced Akashic Records Reading Training. Katie now uses the panoply of Divine Light Healing skills she's gained to serve her private and group healing clients, as she is directed to do so by the client's system, and The Divine itself.
Central to a private or group session with Katie is the opening of The Akashic Records. Through The Records, Katie transmits The Christ Light, Star Being Light (Pleadian, Lyran, Sirian, Arcturian, etc.), and Direct Source Energy, each of which create profound Healing, Integration and Spiritual Activation for her clients.
Additionally, from the Realm of The Akasha, she receives very clear guidance and direction for her clients on any topic at all, including but not limited to: past lives, trauma, karma, highest and best choices for your future in any area of life as encouraged by your team of Record Keepers, Angels, and Guides.
Learn more about Katie at: www.katierubin.com