See Falling Into You Event Page

Gail Hunter, Psychotherapist, Holistic Practioner, OMA President of the Board, and Founding Member
Gail has been in Private Practice as a psychotherapist in the Pittsburgh area since 1979 and is a holistic practitioner using EMDR, Brainspotting, Reiki Master, Source Point Therapy, ‘Bars’, Theta Healing, TFT, EFT and other Energy Techniques. Gail is a Founding Member and the President of the Board of Directors for OMA. She is a holistic practitioner and has always believed in everyone’s inner capacity to heal into life, to remember the ‘truth’ of who we are innately and the abundance of possibilities we can create. She loves to spend time with her family, friends and pets, and she enjoys Swing/Lindy hop dancing, gardening, and fitness.

Angela Failor, Licensed Professional Counselor, Clinical Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner
Angela is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Clinical Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner, and owner of Shine Your Light! LLC. She has a passion for empowering others to holistically heal from the physical, emotional, and spiritual consequences of trauma and to say “No More” to all forms of abuse.
Angela credits God, energy medicine, and other holistic modalities with healing her life from trauma and illness! Her mantra is “protect your peace” to allow your body the opportunity for natural healing to occur. She is currently writing a book about her amazing journey to inspire others to never lose hope! Our birthright is wellness!!
During this retreat, Angela will provide the opportunity for you to experience energetic exercises from The Eden Method, including The Daily Energy Routine and emotional regulation techniques. Home care videos will be provided to you for ongoing support. Individual Eden Method sessions during the retreat may also be scheduled.
I am excited for the opportunity to support you in realigning to shine as you are created to! Angela,

Leza Vivio, Licensed Professional Counselor, Certified Mental Health Integrative Medicine Provider, Vibrational Sound Healer
Leza is a Healing Arts practitioner focusing on integrative wellness and intuitive counseling. At the foundation of all of her work is a deep understanding of trauma-informed care, radical personal transformation, and self-empowerment.
As a lifetime soul searcher, her personal curiosity has led to deep passion for both the scientific and intuitive, the practical and the mystical. Bridging the gap between these worlds and making them accessible to the seeker is Leza’s highest goal. She is a teacher, storyteller, luminary spirit and Wayshower. Over the years, she has been a speaker in a variety of settings ranging from salt caves to state symposiums and that is only important to me because of the human connection that it fostered.
Leza remains a licensed professional counselor and Certified Mental Health Integrative Medicine Provider who is specially trained in Vibrational Sound Healing, Mindfulness, Hypnotherapy, Yoga, Meditation, Qigong, Intuitive Development and Akashic Records. She is also a practicing Reiki Master.

Robin Clarke, Certified Trauma & Resilience Practitioner, Psychotherapist, Writer, and Teacher
Robin is an EMDR certified trauma therapist and a Certified Trauma & Resilience Practitioner (CTR-P). Her therapy emphasizes unconditional positive regard, attuned presence, teaching mind-body skills to relieve anxiety and depression, and developing safe spaces in which to heal from trauma.
Robin is also a published writer and teacher. She conducts an interactive writing workshop, an opportunity for participants to identify areas where they might want to release the grip of the past on the present.
Her first book of poems, Lines The Quarry (Omnidawn, 2013), won the Omnidawn 1st/2nd book prize for poetry, judged by Brenda Hillman. With the poet Sten Carlson, she co-authored a chapbook of poems entitled Lives of the Czars (nonpolygon, 2011). An excerpt from her memoir-in-progress, Those Little Anodynes, won the 2016 Tupelo Open Prose award, judged by Nick Flynn. Her poems and prose have been published in Conduit, Denver Quarterly, Fence, jubilat, LABOR, Tupelo Quarterly, Verse, and elsewhere.

Nicole Howell, Licensed Massage Therapist and Certified Personal Trainer
I am a licensed massage therapist and certified personal trainer. My primary mission is to facilitate and teach awareness through somatic sensation; through touch, movement, breath, and sound. My practice approach exemplifies the philosophical and spiritual stance that mind, body, and soul are in fact one; that every person is created for generating and receiving love, and that restoring proper alignment and connection of the anatomy is a portal of entry for healing and purification of the whole being that expands one’s capacity for inhabiting and emanating this love. This work is deep, and illuminates the shadows. Individuals who are inspired for whole-being regeneration will experience awakening through this work to the extent that they are willing and ready to see. With that said, it is not my role to heal; only to intuitively guide and facilitate each individual’s somatic therapy in a fashion that parallels his/her current place on their life journey. As a practitioner, I will always meet you where you’re at; I will hold space with the utmost honor and care, but will also challenge you to usher in the transfiguration that only you are truly capable of stepping into- for the sake of your own freedom, and for that of the human race.