The Singing Life of Plants CANCELLED


An Interspecies Musical Collaboration with Steve Sciulli

7:00 pm 9:00 pm

East End Cooperative Ministry

6140 Station Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15206






Join Steve Sciulli in this special meditative musical concert with plants.

The Singing Life of Plants creates a special space for relaxing, recharging and renewing; a first-of-its-kind experience for most people. Not only do the plants sing... Steve Sciulli collaborates by playing Japanese Shakuhachi, Indian Bansuri flutes and various electronic wind-controllers/electronics.

Participants are encouraged to relax and interact within the performance space which also includes a unique form of generative music (sounds are expressed in real-time as the environment changes within the space).

The interaction between plants, participants and our immediate environment allows us to understand how connected we are to other living beings regardless of their nature. The plants via our collective interspecies orchestra, express their individual, unique voices gifting the listener with audible examples of how small and large changes can have a profound effect on our environment, as well as our own inner state. The resulting multi-layered sound experience enrobes the listener in a soothing energy; promoting relaxation and concentration.

Sound session experiencers are encouraged to contemplate and reflect on their experience and in doing so, can achieve a heightened level of awareness, greater respect for life and a significantly more profound connectivity to nature.

The Singing Life of Plants musical performance is a powerful and life-changing experience for people of all ages. There are infinite possibilities afoot as we co-create a sound experience. CAUTION: this adventure can result in an improved state of well-being: of body, mind, and spirit. Engage and explore with botanical musician Steve Sciulli’s Singing Life of Plants- Become more aware of the magnificence that surrounds you--be sound.

Multi-instrumentalist and composer Steve Sciulli, a pioneer in sound healing and sound meditation, has been in service to music his entire life.

Based in the upper reaches of Allegheny County Pennsylvania in a very small rural farming community; Sciulli has established himself as a risk-taker and creative liminal musician.

Over the past 35 years Steve has become well known as a multi-instrumentalist, music educator, interdisciplinary sound artist, sound therapist, writer and teacher; performing over 5000 public performances and recording more than 20 albums of unique and original music as well as folk, ambient and new age albums.

Currently, Steve is exploring a new form of bio-communicative music: a collaboration with living plants as they respond to the flow of information and changes in their environment.

“As a Botanical Musician - I combine Ancient Sacred instruments and leading-edge technologies to accompany the real-time musical expressions of living plants. The result is a unique, intricate, multi-level texture and ambient flow of music which is a direct result of our co-created bio-communication.

The constant, natural and subtle electrical signals emitted by plants triggers electronic musical instruments, giving voice to the individual itself. During the performance, I build musical foundations in a self-generative sound environment which ebbs and flows in response to the ontological values between plant, performer and other factors (e.g. time of day, geographic location, human participants etc.).

The resulting live, bio-acoustic, interspecies performance results in a relaxing, entertaining and visually engaging musical experience.”

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