A 5-week course exploring a Powerful Healing and Integration by Bringing the 4th Step Together with Divine Light Transmission
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm EDT
Weekly Zoom Meetings starting August 9th
Course Fee: $175
See OMA Scholarship Assistance
Let's explore Creating Real Change and Becoming Your Higher Self by bringing the 4th Step together with Divine Light Transmission for Powerful Healing and Integration.
In this 5-week series, we will each "take our own Inventory" using the profoundly life-changing tool of a Fourth Step, from the 12 Step Recovery Programs. One need not have "official addictions," to benefit from working a 4th Step. In fact, it has often been said that were everyone on Earth willing to see themselves as clearly as the 4th step allows, most of the world's problems would be solved. In Katie's personal experience, when we get clear on the fears and emotional needs driving our resentments, old hurts, and emotional challenges, we know exactly what to do our Energy Healing work ABOUT.
This class will give you radical self-awareness while also offering you energy healing work to process, integrate and release what keeps you from living as your spiritually aligned Higher Self.
Class Dates:
August 9th, 2023
August 16th, 2023
August 23rd, 2023
August 30th, 2023
September 6th, 2023
Each class will be held via Zoom Meeting from 6:30-8:30 PM. A replay will be provided to each registered participant within 48 hours of the original broadcast.
The link for the course will be shared in the confirmation email, as well as prior to each class. All links will come from Eventbrite, so PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDERS if you do not receive a confirmation after your ticket purchase.
About Katie Rubin
Master Healer and Akashic Records Reader Katie Rubin spent 4 years at The University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism releasing her own trauma, opening her Spiritual Channel, and developing her Healing Skills and Psychic Abilities.
She has since attended two other four-year-long Energy Healing Institutions including Lisa Barnett's Advanced Akashic Records Reading Training. Katie now uses the panoply of Divine Light Healing skills she's gained to serve her private and group healing clients, as she is directed to do so by the client's system, and The Divine itself.
Central to a private or group session with Katie is the opening of The Akashic Records. Through The Records, Katie transmits The Christ Light, Star Being Light (Pleadian, Lyran, Sirian, Arcturian, etc.), and Direct Source Energy, each of which create profound Healing, Integration and Spiritual Activation for her clients.
Additionally, from the Realm of The Akasha, she receives very clear guidance and direction for her clients on any topic at all, including but not limited to: past lives, trauma, karma, highest and best choices for your future in any area of life as encouraged by your team of Record Keepers, Angels, and Guides.
Learn more about Katie at: www.katierubin.com