From Damanhur University, a first-year Mystery School Class taught by Shama Viola, Ambassador from Damanhur, Italy
10:00 am 6:00 pm Saturday and Sunday
Dates: SATURDAY November 10th - SUNDAY November 11th
Times: 10 am to 6 pm with 1 hour break, both days
Location: 221 Whetherburn Drive, Wexford, PA 15090
Price: Early Bird $350 until October 5th
$375 until October 12th
Reawaken and re-embody the ‘character’ you once were. Uncover the story of your soul across the continuum of time and space.
The "story of our soul" across the vast continuum of time and space carries with it valuable information that can assist us in our present lives. What we learn about our "former selves" can infuse our current experiences with deeper meaning, purpose, contentment and joy.
In this workshop, art, theatre, meditation, play, journeying and other practices are explored to help you reawaken and re-embody the "character" you once were. In doing so, you will learn how to apply this to the present to better understand your personality traits, reconnect with past competencies and overcome limitations.
Facilitated by Damanhur guide Shama Viola, this class will be traced down beforehand by members of The Way Of The Oracle at Damanhur, Italy, based on each participant’s biographical data and photos. Shama will then use powerful interactive processes and activities to facilitate the reawakening of emotions and memories of your prior life. Each participant receives the Oracle’s written description of the past life accessed in this workshop at the end of the course.
Photograph & Bio-Data Required in Advance by October 12th: Specific information is required–a recent photo that serves as a portrait and clearly shows your eyes; also your birthdate, place of birth and name as it appears on your birth certificate. And if you have taken this course before, please state which past life you are on (your 2nd, 3rd, etc.). This info must be submitted by the cutoff date above. Please email your photo and information to Jennifer Evanko at
Shama Viola (Manuela Terraluna)Shama lived in the USA from 1968 to 2001. Those 33 years were dedicated to art, spirituality and teaching conscious awareness. Her life was exciting and full, from the 6 years she spent working with Francis Ford Coppola to the ones that she lived, worked, and traveled with Shakti Gawain, to the powerful years she spent in the Hawaiian Islands. In 2001, answering a strong soul’s calling, Shama returned to her native Italy to become a Citizen of Damanhur, where she has spent the past sixteen years participating in Damanhur’s esoteric traditions and practical approach to sacredness, rituals and conscious living.
Damanhur is a living laboratory for the future of humankind. It is a Federation of Spiritual Communities, with its own Constitution, culture, art, music, currency, schools and use of science and technology. The Community was founded in 1975 from the inspiration of Falco Tarassaco (1950-2013). His enlightened and pragmatic vision created a fertile reality based on solidarity, sharing, love and respect for the environment. Damanhur is perhaps best known for its extraordinary subterranean work of art and architecture, a cathedral known as the Temples of Humankind. The Temples have been profiled on international television as the "Eighth Wonder of The World." This complex was entirely dug by hand into the heart of the mountain. Decorated with mosaics, stained glass, sculptures, wall paintings and other works of art, it is dedicated to the awakening of the divine spark present within every human being.
To read more about Damanhur, visit