A simple meal… a conversation of hope, acceptance, compassion and positivity.
November 29, 2018, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm.
Doors open at 6:15pm for light reception and CASH bar.
The Twentieth Century Club
4201 Bigelow Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA. 15213
FREE parking in UPMC lot across the street!
As the year draws to a close and we begin to think about the New Year, we would like to dedicate this Food for the Soul to a conversation of hope, acceptance, compassion for all, and positivity for ourselves, humanity and our world.
Each individual can make a difference in each moment of our day and each interaction with another. We invite you to come and share what you are already choosing; your ideas; possibilities; and options that we could integrate into our daily life. We will have discussions with like minded individuals in a safe environment while sharing soup and bread together. Perhaps you might want to bring along a friend and possibly bring along someone whom you already can see is making a difference.
We invite you to come and share in a simple meal and conversation. Each individual’s “drop” of kindness, understanding, support, etc. could swell into a great sea of change. Please join us on November 29 for an engaging evening.
Food for the Soul, now a regular initiative for OMA, is designed to give the participants an opportunity to share in a simple meal of soup and bread (served vegan and gluten-free) as well as discussions regarding introspection and ideas on various subjects related to Mind, Body and Spirit. Small groups of 8-10 individuals will convene around a table and will be led by OMA members.
Kindly register online by Tuesday, November 27 in order to reserve a seat at this forum. Donations from the heart will be greatly appreciated to help defray the cost of food and service.
Food for the Soul is an exceptional experience! A meditative meal that brings out the spiritual best in its participants. You never know who you’re going to meet, a healing soul food chef, a change cultivator, or a reiki master. This evening was fabulous!
At last night’s excellent Food for the Soul, one table discussion expressed concerns over climate change and what we can do as individuals that would make a difference. Here’s a great video on what we eat that we can easiy make choices about, which actually has a pretty big impact on the health of our bodies as well as the planet!