Food for the Soul 2

A simple meal… a conversation of hope, acceptance, compassion and positivity.

November 29, 2018, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm.

Doors open at 6:15pm for light reception and CASH bar.

The Twentieth Century Club
4201 Bigelow Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA. 15213
FREE parking in UPMC lot across the street!

As the year draws to a close and we begin to think about the New Year, we would like to dedicate this Food for the Soul to a conversation of hope, acceptance, compassion for all, and positivity for ourselves, humanity and our world.

Each individual can make a difference in each moment of our day and each interaction with another. We invite you to come and share what you are already choosing; your ideas; possibilities; and options that we could integrate into our daily life. We will have discussions with like minded individuals in a safe environment while sharing soup and bread together. Perhaps you might want to bring along a friend and possibly bring along someone whom you already can see is making a difference.

We invite you to come and share in a simple meal and conversation. Each individual’s “drop” of kindness, understanding, support, etc. could swell into a great sea of change. Please join us on November 29 for an engaging evening.

Food for the Soul, now a regular initiative for OMA, is designed to give the participants an opportunity to share in a simple meal of soup and bread (served vegan and gluten-free) as well as discussions regarding introspection and ideas on various subjects related to Mind, Body and Spirit. Small groups of 8-10 individuals will convene around a table and will be led by OMA members.

Kindly register online by Tuesday, November 27 in order to reserve a seat at this forum. Donations from the heart will be greatly appreciated to help defray the cost of food and service.

2 thoughts on “Food for the Soul

  • Anita

    Food for the Soul is an exceptional experience! A meditative meal that brings out the spiritual best in its participants. You never know who you’re going to meet, a healing soul food chef, a change cultivator, or a reiki master. This evening was fabulous!

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