Heart Below the Horizon: Exploring Self & The Road Traveled (3-Wk Online Course)


Join us as we initiate a walk together exploring the road we have traveled by, moving you ever closer to a choiceful and empowered life.

6:30 pm - 8:00 pm EDT

Weekly Zoom Meetings starting August 8th

See OMA Scholarship Assistance

As we enter into this new age, many of us are looking to understand ourselves in more meaningful ways. It seems more important than ever to come to understand the uniqueness of the journey of our soul so we can authentically address what we are, as well as what we are not. Sometimes our biggest obstacles in letting go of what does not serve us is because we are not aware of where we end and where our projected self begins.

This 3-week workshop is being offered as we open the Lion’s Gate portal to lean into our inner work and prepare for the major shifts ahead. We have agreed to discount this offering as a gift to our shared communities as a way to support your journey of self-discovery and healing through these potentially auspicious times.

Together, we will explore the foundations of “an examined life” as told through philosophy, psychology, and spirituality. You will find the content to be practical and accessible, familiar and profound. It is truly for every seeker! Join us as we initiate a walk together exploring the road we have traveled by, moving you ever closer to a choiceful and empowered life.

Class Dates:

8/8: Foundations of Self: How Am I Defined?

8/15: Dark Night of the Soul: The Collapse of the Ego

8/22: Power & Choice: How Do I Use What I Now Know?

This workshop is expected to be Part 1 in an 3 part series that explores three aspects of our existence over the next several months. Part 2 will be scheduled in the Fall and will review Love & Soul Mates.  Part 3 in the Winter will review Vibrational Healing & The Age of Energy.


Each class will be held via Zoom Meeting from 6:30-8:00 PM. A replay will be provided to each registered participant within 48 hours of the original broadcast.

The link for the course will be shared in the confirmation email, as well as prior to each class. All links will come from Eventbrite, so PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDERS if you do not receive a confirmation after your ticket purchase.


About Leza Vivio

Leza Vivio, D. Div, LPC, CMHIP, CSITP, is a healing arts practitioner and psychotherapist focusing on integrative wellness and intuitive counselling. At the core of her work is a strong emphasis on radical personal transformation and empowerment. Leza is known widely for her abilities as a sound healer and inspirational speaker, as well as the founder of Sacred. Centered. You. She has a passion for both the scientific and intuitive, the practical and the mystical… She enjoys finding the bridges between these worlds and making them accessible to the seeker.

For the last two decades, her mission has been assisting individuals find their path to personal growth and wellness by improving their awareness, understanding, and adaptability to change. In her recent years, Leza has focused her work in the healing arts field serving through Vibrational Sound Healing, Past Life & Soul Regression, Spiritual Counseling, and Conscious Relationships.

In addition to degrees in Philosophy and Counseling Psychology, Leza holds a doctorate in both Divinity and Sacred Music, and is a licensed professional counselor, a Certified Mental Health Integrative Medicine Provider, Certified Sex Informed Professional, and a Certied Gesalt Couples Counselor. Additionally, she specially trained in Vibrational Sound Healing, Mindfulness, Hypnotherapy, Yoga and Meditation, Integrative Medicine, Tai Chi, Qigong, Trauma-Informed Care, and is a practicing Reiki Master.

Learn More About Leza at: https://www.sacredcenteredyou.com or https://viviotherapy.com


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