You Are Not to Blame

You do not deserve to be abused. You have rights. You can get help. You are not Alone.

When you think of domestic violence, do you think of physical acts of violence? Do you picture the person who is abusive as being addicted to drugs or alcohol, or from a different race, religion, or economic background than you?

It may be hard to believe that the person sitting next to you in church, a co-worker, or a close friend may experiencing abuse. Domestic violence occurs within all racial, economic, educational, and religious backgrounds. Many times the abuse does not start until the relationship has progressed, making it more difficult to walk away.

Domestic violence is about power and control. The person who is abusive often uses a pattern of coercive behaviors including threats, intimidation, humiliation, isolation, and blame to firmly establish a pattern of control in the relationship. Physical acts of violence may be used at any time to maintain control within the relationship.

Above quoted from Domestic Violence Services of Western PA
24/7 Hotline: 800-791-4000