Waking The Sleepers, Repairing Spiritual DNA and Activating The Light Body


A 5-Week Course To Activate Your Light Body, Repair Your Spiritual DNA and Align You With Your Purpose, presented by Katie Rubin

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm EST

Weekly Zoom Meetings, April 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, May 2nd

Hosted by OMA Pittsburgh

Includes recordings made available to all registrants a few days after each session.

Watch the April 4th recording of Waking the Sleepers  (Passcode required)

Watch the April 18th recording of Waking the Sleepers  (Passcode required)

Watch the April 25th recording of Waking the Sleepers  (Passcode required)

During this 5-week Series, we will discuss, activate and heal the Spiritual DNA Strand that comprises your Soul's Code for the sake of awakening the parts of you that are asleep, and activating your Light Body. If you are new to your relationship with The Light, we will activate your Light Body. If you are already aware of and working with The Light, we will repair what needs repairing, deepen you into your connection with The Earth and The Stars, and thrust you forward on your path. And in all cases, we will align you with Your Unique Spiritual Purpose more deeply than you may already be aligned. -Katie Rubin, Master Healer

This Course will offer healing, but as a side effect of the above. As many of us embody repeatedly, we experience human trauma, spiritual trauma, and deactivation of our highest frequencies. This course is designed to clear, release, and reactivate that which is required for the fulfillment of our soul purpose.

This course is intended for self-identified Light Workers, Light Beings, and "Spiritual People" who are already deeply and actively engaged with their Spiritual and Conscious Awakening Path.

About Katie Rubin

Master Healer and Akashic Records Reader Katie Rubin spent 4 years at The University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism releasing her own trauma, opening her Spiritual Channel, and developing her Healing Skills and Psychic Abilities.

She has since attended two other four-year-long Energy Healing Institutions including Lisa Barnett's Advanced Akashic Records Reading Training. Katie now uses the panoply of Divine Light Healing skills she's gained to serve her private and group healing clients, as she is directed to do so by the client's system, and The Divine itself.

Central to a private or group session with Katie is the opening of The Akashic Records. Through The Records, Katie transmits The Christ Light, Star Being Light (Pleadian, Lyran, Sirian, Arcturian, etc.), and Direct Source Energy, each of which create profound Healing, Integration and Spiritual Activation for her clients.

Additionally, from the Realm of The Akasha, she receives very clear guidance and direction for her clients on any topic at all, including but not limited to: past lives, trauma, karma, highest and best choices for your future in any area of life as encouraged by your team of Record Keepers, Angels, and Guides.

Learn more about Katie at:  www.katierubin.com

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2 thoughts on “Waking The Sleepers, Repairing Spiritual DNA and Activating The Light Body

  • Jill Eckert

    I have received receipt for tonight’s beginning course but not confirmation email with zoom instructions. I have checked spam folder but confirmation and instructions are not there. Will you please resend information so I can attend tonight’s first class? Thank you.