Yearly Archives: 2015

..that everything you see, hear, touch, taste, smell, or sense in any way is an aspect of Divinity. […]
Finding Peace

A daylong workshop including lectures and demonstrations on various holistic healing approaches.
Quantum Healing Workshop

OMA lectures on holistic health and wellness are held twice a month. Mindfullness, Metaphysics, Meditation, Energy Healing, Chinese Medicine, […]
OMA Lecture Series

Some think dogs make great therapists, Here are 10 good reasons why, (Just don’t count on them when […]
Canines as therapists

Science is revealing that coffee can reduce the risk of diabetes, Parkinson’s Disease, and possibly lung cancer. In […]
Coffee – A Healthful Drink

Smudging is an ancient practice or ritual where you burn dried sage or other dried herbs to cleanse […]
Smudging, Ancient Practice

Science is just beginning to explore how essential oils reach and influence the human brain, emotions and body […]
Essential Oils

If you have had a demonstration of Seimei, you have experienced this unique compassion as the powerful ability to […]
Seimei – Vital Life Force

Through experiential education and clinical resources OMA provides all individuals opportunities to explore and honor one’s journey in […]