Where Science Meets Source: True Quantum Healing with Nicola Bertolo and Sheryl Blumenthal
A talk on Seimei followed by Channeled Support Teachings and individual healings
7:00 pm with Welcome Reception at 6:15 including snacks and drinks 9:00 pm
La Dorita
The Brazen Kitchen with Leah Lizarondo Shannon
The Spring Health Kickstart
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm with Welcome Reception at 6:15 (light snacks and wine provided by OMA. BYOB welcome)
La Dorita
Eden Energy Medicine with Elaine Alker
An Introduction to Energy Medicine
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm with Welcome Reception at 6:15 (light snacks and wine provided by OMA. BYOB welcome)
La Dorita
Lessons from The Four Agreements with Deb Thackrah
In his best selling book The Four Agreements, don Miguel Ruiz offers a powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform our lives.
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm with Welcome Reception at 6:15 (light snacks and wine provided by OMA. BYOB welcome)
La Dorita
Mind/Body Program for Fertility with Nancy Lishack
An introduction to a comprehensive 10-week Mind/Body Fertility Program modeled after a program developed by Dr. Alice Domar
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm with Welcome Reception at 6:15 (light snacks and wine provided by OMA. BYOB welcome)
La Dorita
SCHEDULE CHANGE: Dr. Ed Kropf and The 6 Interferences to Health & Wellness
Learn about how health imbalances can happen and what we can do to recover from them
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm with Welcome Reception at 6:15 (light snacks and wine provided by OMA. BYOB welcome)
La Dorita
Transformational Healing Circle with Bonnie Hassan
Ready to transform your life? Join Reiki master, medium and psychotherapist Bonnie Hassan as she offers you the opportunity to let go of the past and step into your future in a bigger way!
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm with Welcome Reception at 6:15 (light snacks and wine provided by OMA. BYOB welcome)
La Dorita
A Night of Music & Reflection with Bill Deasy
As the material world bombards us with messages about all the things we need to make ourselves happy Bill will reflect, through song and story, on a different kind of seeking ...
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm with Welcome Reception at 6:15 (light snacks and wine provided by OMA. BYOB welcome)
Astrology with Rick DiClemente "The Exquisite Zodiac"
You are more than just your Sun sign! The time has come for humanity to comprehend the full brilliance of the zodiac’s grand design. The energies that comprise each of us are the very same energies that make up the whole universe.
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm with Welcome Reception at 6:15 (light snacks and wine provided by OMA. BYOB welcome)
La Dorita
Vibrational Re-Tuning Through the Akashic Records with Irina Grundler
Vibrational Re-Tuning: What it is and how it can help you remove blocks and limitations and choose what brings you joy, peace and fulfillment.
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm with Welcome Reception at 6:15 (light snacks and wine provided by OMA. BYOB welcome)
La Dorita
Are you ready for CHANGE? Then you must make new CHOICES today that will move you forward on the path of living your DREAMS!
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm with Welcome Reception at 6:15 (light snacks and wine provided by OMA. BYOB welcome)
La Dorita
A Group Channeling with Global Teacher, Healer, Author - Sheryl Blumenthal - "The Little One"
Sheryl Blumenthal, a channel and true instrument for the I AM, is divinely guided. As a Universal Teacher and an enlightened being, her gifts offer love, healing, peace, and direct guidance from ‘on high.’ The messages and the light that come forth are direct, vital, and pure. Her channeled teachings unveil a new world, one in which “the heart is the way.”
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm with Welcome Reception at 6:15 (light snacks and wine provided by OMA. BYOB welcome)
La Dorita
Harnessing the Power of Our Buddha Nature with Nicola Bertolo ... Introduction by Sheryl Blumenthal
Learn how to awaken and work with the Inner Buddha that exists within all of us.
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm with Welcome Reception at 6:15 (light snacks and wine provided by OMA. BYOB welcome)
La Dorita (Main St. Sharpsburgh immediately near the Highland Park Bridge) REAR ENTRANCE)
Yoga Medicina & The Center for Structural Wellness with L'aura Marie Campisi
In this interactive two hour workshop, we will learn about fascia, connective tissue, and more ... and you will walk away with simple movement tools to help many physical symptoms
7:00pm Lecture begins. Doors open at 6:15pm for light reception (wine BYOB and also provided by OMA)
La Dorita (on Main St. in Sharpsburg immediately near the Highland Park Bridge) REAR ENTRANCE)
A Look Beyond the Physical World with Author & Lecturer, Lillie Leonardi- The Origins of Grace
The journey of a spiritual intuitive revealed through her experience with 9/11
7:00pm Lecture begins. Doors open at 6:15pm for light reception (wine BYOB and also provided by OMA)
2312 Main Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15215 (immediately near the Highland Park Bridge) REAR ENTRANCE
Emily Pompei - Medical Intuitive
7:00pm Lecture begins. Doors open at 6:15pm for light reception (wine BYOB and also provided by OMA)
2312 Main Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15215 (immediately near the Highland Park Bridge) REAR ENTRANCE
Making Room for Spirit with Bonnie Hassan - Reiki Master, Medium, Psychic & Psychotherapist
7:00pm Lecture begins. Doors open at 6:15pm for light reception (wine BYOB and also provided by OMA)
2312 Main Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15215 (immediately near the Highland Park Bridge) REAR ENTRANCE
The Science Behind the Medical Benefits of Meditation with Dr. Brahma Sharma, MD - Cardiologist
7:00pm Lecture begins. Doors open at 6:15pm for light reception (wine BYOB and also provided by OMA)
2312 Main Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15215 (immediately near the Highland Park Bridge) REAR ENTRANCE
Bill Deasy - Local Songwriter, Musician & Novelist
Bill Deasy - A Night Of Music & Reflection
7:00pm Event begins. Doors open at 6:15pm for light reception (wine BYOB and also provided by OMA)
2312 Main Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15215 (immediately near the Highland Park Bridge) REAR ENTRANCE
Steve Treu - "New Eyes"
A Unifying Vision of Science & Spirituality
7:00pm Event begins. Doors open at 6:15pm for light reception (wine BYOB and also provided by OMA)
La Dorita (0n Main St., Sharpsburg, immediately near the Highland Park Bridge) REAR ENTRANCE
IRINA GRUNDLER - Relationships from a Soul Perspective
Soul Mates, Soul Families, Twin Flames and Much More ... !
7:00pm Event begins. Doors open at 6:15pm for light reception (wine BYOB and also provided by OMA)
La Dorita (on Main St., Sharpsburg, immediately near the Highland Park Bridge) REAR ENTRANCE
ANNIE ALEXANDER - Race and Reflection: Exploring Identity Together
7:00pm Event begins. Doors open at 6:15pm for light reception (wine BYOB and also provided by OMA)
La Dorita (0n Main St., Sharpsburg, immediately near the Highland Park Bridge) REAR ENTRANCE
KRISHNA PENDYALA - Mindfulness: The Dashboard to Your Life!
Developing a mindful awareness practice
7:00pm Event begins. Doors open at 6:15pm for light reception (wine BYOB and also provided by OMA)
La Dorita (on Main St., Sharpsburg, immediately near the Highland Park Bridge) REAR ENTRANCE
WISDOM WEDNESDAY - with Nicola Bertolo. Introduction by Sheryl Blumenthal
EMILY POMPEI - Medical Intuitive
How to Hold Your Body in a Healthy High Vibrational Pattern by Connecting with your Angels, Guides and your own Divine Light
7:00pm Event begins. Doors open at 6:15pm for light reception (wine BYOB and also provided by OMA)
La Dorita (on Main St., Sharpsburg, immediately near the Highland Park Bridge) REAR ENTRANCE
DANA HARRIS-YATES - Preparing for the Shift: Manifesting Your Will in 2017
7:00pm Event begins. Doors open at 6:15pm for light reception (wine BYOB and also provided by OMA)
La Dorita (on Main St., Sharpsburg, immediately near the Highland Park Bridge) REAR ENTRANCE
BONNIE HASSAN - Reiki Master, Medium & Psychotherapist
Step Into the Healing Water
7:00pm Event begins. Doors open at 6:15pm for light reception (wine BYOB and also provided by OMA)
La Dorita (on Main St., Sharpsburg, immediately near the Highland Park Bridge) REAR ENTRANCE
DR. ILONA BERKOBEN, M.D. - The Mind-Gut Connection
Healing the gut, balancing hormones and changing the mindset.
7:00pm Event begins. Doors open at 6:15pm for light reception (wine BYOB and also provided by OMA)
La Dorita (on Main St., Sharpsburg, immediately near the Highland Park Bridge) REAR ENTRANCE
MARLA MERVIS-HARTMANN - Love Your Body, Love Yourself - An Introduction
A Positive Self-Image Experience
7:00pm Event begins. Doors open at 6:15pm for light reception (wine BYOB and also provided by OMA)
La Dorita (on Main St., Sharpsburg, immediately near the Highland Park Bridge) REAR ENTRANCE
Green Heiress Holistic Health
e-motion FILM SCREENING & DISCUSSION (Free Event!)
If your subconscious mind is 1000 times more powerful than your conscious mind, what controls it?
6:30 pm Event begins. Doors open at 6:00 pm for light reception (wine BYOB and also provided by OMA)
La Dorita (on Main St., Sharpsburg, immediately near the Highland Park Bridge) REAR ENTRANCE
SHERYL BLUMENTHAL - A Group Channeling with Global Teacher, Healer, Author
Channeled Teachings: Humanity's LOVE Creates
Doors open at 6:15 for light reception and CASH BAR. Event begins at 7:00pm
The Twentieth Century Club
NICOLE TROMBLEY - Path to Progress: 5 Steps to Empower You in Mind, Body & Spirit
Holistic Life Coach, Speaker and Energy Practitioner will guide you through an examination of your mind, body and spirit toward empowerment and change.
Doors open at 6:15 for light reception and CASH BAR. Event begins at 7:00pm
The Twentieth Century Club
BONNIE HASSAN - Cutting the Cords to the Past
Cut the energetic cords to the past through the energies of Reiki, your angels and spirit guides
Doors open at 6:15 for light reception and CASH BAR. Event begins at 7:00pm
The Twentieth Century Club
Dr. Brahma Sharma - From Meditation to Enlightenment
Whether it is science-based or faith-based, the steps to enlightenment are reachable with practice and perseverance.
Doors open at 6:15 for light reception and CASH BAR. Event begins at 7:00pm
The Twentieth Century Club
Steve Treu, “We are all ONE”
We are all on the same team in the evolution of consciousness.
Doors open at 6:15 for light reception and CASH BAR. Event begins at 7:00pm
The Twentieth Century Club
Dr. Will Cole, "The Microbiome, Hormones & the Methylation Connection"
The microbiome with trillions of microbes and their colonies are the manufacturers and managers of how we look, feel and think. Researchers are learning how it regulates nearly every system of our bodies.
Doors open at 6:15 for light reception and CASH BAR. Event begins at 7:00pm
The Twentieth Century Club
Food for the Soul
An opportunity to share our spirituality on our journey in the realm of Mind, Body, and Spirit.
Please note: The UPMC lot conveniently located across the street from the 20th Century Club permits free parking at this event.
Doors open at 6:15 for light reception and CASH BAR. Event begins at 7:00 pm. Soup and bread served vegan and gluten-free.
The Twentieth Century Club
Live Life in Harmony with Mindful Organization
Experience and learn 5 ways to focus your mind and create lasting order for freedom and harmony in your everyday life.
Doors open at 6:15 for light reception and CASH BAR. Event begins at 7:00 pm.
The Twentieth Century Club
FREE parking in UPMC lot across the street!
Awakening: When Two Worlds Collide
Hear the dramatic story of a miraculous angelic encounter amidst the tragedy of 9/11 at the Flight 93 crash site.
Doors open at 6:15 for light reception and CASH BAR. Event begins at 7:00 pm.
The Twentieth Century Club
FREE parking in UPMC lot across the street!
Focus Your Electromagnetic Energy and Sharpen Your Intuition
Learn about the energy field behind your intuition and how you can focus it to improve your intuitive abilities.
Doors open at 6:15 for light reception and CASH BAR. Event begins at 7:00pm
The Twentieth Century Club
FREE parking in UPMC lot across the street!
Accessing Alpha: An Experiential Workshop, Dr. Matthew Flick
Learn how to quickly achieve an Alpha brainwave state and utilize its power for harmony between mind and body.
Doors open at 6:15 for light reception and CASH BAR. Event begins at 7:00 pm.
The Twentieth Century Club
FREE parking in UPMC lot across the street!
Accessing the Mysteries of Your Hologram
Join Lisa LeRose as she demonstrates how subtle energy systems interact and communicate on a functional level in the holographic field.
7:00 pm Event begins. Doors open at 6:15pm for light reception and CASH bar.
The Twentieth Century Club
FREE parking in UPMC lot across the street!
"Our Incredible Ability to Communicate with Plants" by Crótalo Sésamo
Extraordinary Knowledge from the Mystery School of Damanhur, a Spiritual Eco-Community in Italy, presented by their Ambassador.
7:00 pm 9:00 pm WEDNESDAY
Green Heiress Holistic Health
Note our venue change for this event only.
CLASSICAL HATHA YOGA CLASSES: Visiting Teachers, Cris Pedreros & Arti Bhoge, of the Isha Hatha School of Yoga, NYC
A unique opportunity to begin incorporating yoga into your life and start practicing on your own
Green Heiress Holistic Health
Discover the Depth of the Akashic Records
With Stephanie Charles, explore the energetic records of your soul to empower your life.
7:00 pm Event begins. Doors open at 6:15pm for light reception and CASH bar.
The Twentieth Century Club
FREE parking in UPMC lot across the street!
BRING DOWN THE HEAVENS! QiGong, Yin Yang, 5 Elements & More
Gain better health and transcend patterns of suffering with this ancient Chinese flow practice.
7:00pm Event begins. Doors open at 6:15pm for light reception and CASH bar.
The Twentieth Century Club
FREE parking in UPMC lot across the street!
"Unity in the Community: We Are Not Alone"
OMA Pittsburgh Presents a Community-Based Trauma Conversation
7:00 pm 9:00 pm
Pittsburgh Manchester K8 School
DIVINATION (2-day Mystery School Workshop)
A Damanhur Mystery School Workshop taught by Shama Viola, Ambassador from Damanhur, Italy
10 am 6 pm each day
Engage Your Divine Energy and Channel the Healer Within
Utilize the power of your Divine Energy to maintain a positive high vibration and channel the Healer within for well-being and happiness
7:00 pm Event begins. Doors open at 6:15pm for light reception and CASH bar.
The Twentieth Century Club
FREE parking in UPMC lot across the street!
Marianne Williamson: Love America Tour
Marianne Williamson discusses how a revolution in consciousness paves the way to both personal and national renewal.
05:45 pm 09:00 pm
The Twentieth Century Club
"Drawn From Troubled Waters" by Michael Williams
A message and testimony of how dark experiences can often lead us to a brilliant light of hope and opportunity
7:00 pm Event begins. Doors open at 6:15pm for light reception and CASH bar.
The Twentieth Century Club
FREE parking in UPMC lot across the street!
Food for the Soul
An opportunity to share our spirituality on our journey in the realm of Mind, Body, and Spirit.
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Doors open at 6:15pm for light reception and CASH bar.
The Twentieth Century Club
FREE parking in UPMC lot across the street!
From Surviving to Thriving: Supporting Our Youth Through Collaborative Conversations and Learning Sessions
A half-day workshop focused on youth, where parents, educators and mentors can learn holistic skills for the healthy development of our young people--in mind, body, and spirit.
10:00 am - 2:00 pm. Doors open at 9:30 am for light refreshments and exploration of community resource tables.
Winchester Thurston Upper School Building
"Empower Your Third Eye" with Bonnie Hassan
Expand your sixth chakra to transcend your personal mind and access the universal mind
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Doors open 6:15 pm for light reception & CASH bar.
The Twentieth Century Club
FREE parking in UPMC lot across the street!
From Surviving to Thriving: Supporting Our Youth Through Collaborative Conversations and Learning Sessions
A half-day workshop focused on youth, where parents, educators, counselors, health practitioners and more can join in collaborative learning sessions for supporting the healthy development of our young people.
10:00 am - 2:00 pm. Doors open at 9:30 am for light refreshments and exploration of community resource tables.
Winchester Thurston Upper School Building
The Intuition Revolution: A Pathway to Spiritual Enlightenment
Discover How to Awaken, Heal & Live Your Truth by Owning Your Psychic Power
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Doors open 6:15 pm for light reception & CASH bar.
The Twentieth Century Club
FREE parking in UPMC lot across the street!
The Dream Class: Redesign Your Dreams
A 2-day weekend workshop to gain a new understanding of how to interpret the dream world and consciously guide your dreams.
9:30 am-4:30 pm Saturday & Sunday
Taught by Formica Coriandolo, Ambassador of Damanhur, Italy
Damanhur: Laboratory for Social, Spiritual and Environmental Research, through the eyes of an Artist
A 2 1/2 hour presentation with Q & A by Formica Coriandolo, Ambassador of Damanhur
6:30 pm 9:00 pm
Green Heiress Holistic Health
Athena's Fire "Sing Out Sisters" with guest Ellen Gozion of The Early Mays
Performing Songs of Protest and Power
7:30 pm
Wilkens School Community Center
A Soul's Journey
Presented by by Deneen Marlette Joyner, Transformational Speaker and Author
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Doors open 6:15 pm for light reception & CASH bar.
The Twentieth Century Club
FREE parking in UPMC lot across the street!
Healing Through Spirit * Living In Love
Reverend Jenn Shepherd, ordained Spiritualist Minister, Medium and Author
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Doors open 6:15 pm for light reception & CASH bar.
The Twentieth Century Club
FREE parking in UPMC lot across the street!
Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy
6-Week Series Beginning Monday, October 8th, Meeting Weekly
10:00 am 11:30 am Monday mornings
Sponsored by OMA
Classes held at Green Heiress Holistic Health
Unlocking the Soul’s Purpose
Presented by William Meader, renowned international teacher of Esoteric Philosophy/Esoteric Astrology/Esoteric Psychology, returning to Pittsburgh
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm TUESDAY. Doors open 6:15 pm for light reception & CASH bar.
The Twentieth Century Club
FREE parking in UPMC lot across the street!
PSYCH-K Basic Workshop
A 3-day Workshop: Change Your World by Changing Your Beliefs!
9:00am to 6:00pm
Friday thru Sunday each day
Location: Green Heiress Holistic Health
Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy
6-Week Series Beginning Monday, October 8th, Meeting Weekly
10:00 am 11:30 am Monday mornings
Sponsored by OMA
Classes held at Green Heiress Holistic Health
Keys to living a High Vibe Life: Eat Well, Love Life & Be Content
Presented by Bobbi DiClaudio, High Vibe Health Coach
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Doors open 6:15 pm for light reception & CASH bar.
The Twentieth Century Club
FREE parking in UPMC lot across the street!
Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy
6-Week Series Beginning Monday, October 8th, Meeting Weekly
10:00 am 11:30 am Monday mornings
Sponsored by OMA
Classes held at Green Heiress Holistic Health
Empowering YOU!
How to take YOUR power and control back with energy exercises!
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Doors open 6:15 pm for light reception & CASH bar.
The Twentieth Century Club
FREE parking in UPMC lot across the street!
Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy
6-Week Series Beginning Monday, October 8th, Meeting Weekly
10:00 am 11:30 am Monday mornings
Sponsored by OMA
Classes held at Green Heiress Holistic Health
HACKING Health and Wellness through Chinese Medicine and Yoga
Understanding the body through traditional Eastern schools of thought.
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Doors open 6:15 pm for light reception & CASH bar.
The Twentieth Century Club
FREE parking in UPMC lot across the street!
Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy
6-Week Series Beginning Monday, October 8th, Meeting Weekly
10:00 am 11:30 am Monday mornings
Sponsored by OMA
Classes held at Green Heiress Holistic Health
From Damanhur University, a first-year Mystery School Class taught by Shama Viola, Ambassador from Damanhur, Italy
10:00 am 6:00 pm Thursday and Friday
Past Lives Research II
From Damanhur University, a first-year Mystery School Class taught by Shama Viola, Ambassador from Damanhur, Italy
10:00 am 6:00 pm Saturday and Sunday
Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy
6-Week Series Beginning Monday, October 8th, Meeting Weekly
10:00 am 11:30 am Monday mornings
Sponsored by OMA
Classes held at Green Heiress Holistic Health
Crystals 101
Learn how to work with the energy of healing crystals.
3:00 pm 4:30 pm
Sponsored by OMA
Class held at Green Heiress Holistic Health
6 Keys to Nurture, Grow and Empower Your Life
Utilize the SOAR On-PAR Toolkit for Lifelong Growth
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Doors open 6:15 pm for light reception & CASH bar.
The Twentieth Century Club
FREE parking in UPMC lot across the street!
Food for the Soul
A simple meal... a conversation of hope, acceptance, compassion and positivity.
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Doors open at 6:15pm for light reception and CASH bar.
The Twentieth Century Club
FREE parking in UPMC lot across the street!
Is Medical Cannabis Right for You?
Medical cannabis in PA - approved conditions for its use and the certification process for patients.
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Doors open 6:15 pm for light reception & CASH bar.
The Twentieth Century Club
FREE parking in UPMC lot across the street!
"What Causes Suffering?" by Bhante Pemaratana
Chief Abbot of the Pittsburgh Buddhist Center, Meditation Teacher & Spiritual Counselor
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Doors open 6:15 pm for light reception & CASH bar.
The Twentieth Century Club
FREE parking in UPMC lot across the street!
Meditation: Theory and Practice
6-Week Series Beginning Monday, January 14th
11:00 am 12:30 pm Monday mornings
Sponsored by OMA
Classes held at Green Heiress Holistic Health
Nutrition and Health in the 21st Century
Marietta Amantangelo on functional nutrition, combining several disciplines, diets & approaches for optimal health!
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Doors open 6:15 pm for light reception & CASH bar.
The Twentieth Century Club
FREE parking in UPMC lot across the street!
RESCHEDULED Meditation: Theory and Practice
NEW CLASS DATES 1/14, 1/28, 2/4, 2/18, 2/25, 3/4
11:00 am 12:30 pm Monday mornings
Sponsored by OMA
Classes held at Green Heiress Holistic Health
Meditation: Theory and Practice
6-Week Series Beginning Monday, January 14th, Meeting Weekly
11:00 am 12:30 pm Monday mornings
Sponsored by OMA
Classes held at Green Heiress Holistic Health
Ancient Civilizations and Pre-Atlantean History
A Damanhur 2-Day Mystery School Workshop!
10:00 am 6:00 pm Thursday and Friday
Meditation: Theory and Practice
6-Week Series Beginning Monday, January 14th, Meeting Weekly
11:00 am 12:30 pm Monday mornings
Sponsored by OMA
Classes held at Green Heiress Holistic Health
Harnessing the Harp for Healing: Vibroacoustic Harp Therapy
Stephanie Miller shows how the harp offers a perfect paradigm for linking heaven and earth, the arts and sciences, as well as body, mind and spirit.
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Doors open 6:15 pm for light reception & CASH bar.
The Twentieth Century Club
FREE parking in UPMC lot across the street!
RESCHEDULED Meditation: Theory and Practice
NEW CLASS DATES 1/14, 1/28, 2/4, 2/18, 2/25, 3/4
11:00 am 12:30 pm Monday mornings
Sponsored by OMA
Classes held at Green Heiress Holistic Health
Embodying the Wisdom of the Heart
Dana Micucci shares powerful heart-based teachings and practices learned from years of travel to sacred sites, that can be used for healing and transformation.
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Doors open 6:15 pm for light reception & CASH bar.
The Twentieth Century Club
FREE parking in UPMC lot across the street!
Meditation: Theory and Practice
6-Week Series Beginning Monday, January 14th, Meeting Weekly
11:00 am 12:30 pm Monday mornings
Sponsored by OMA
Classes held at Green Heiress Holistic Health
Meditation: Theory and Practice
6-Week Series Beginning Monday, January 14th
11:00 am 12:30 pm Monday mornings
Sponsored by OMA
Classes held at Green Heiress Holistic Health
Meditation: Theory and Practice
6-Week Series Beginning Monday, January 14th
11:00 am 12:30 pm Monday mornings
Sponsored by OMA
Classes held at Green Heiress Holistic Health
Color Code Personality by Bobbi DiClaudio
An illuminating way for understanding how to make sense out of life’s relationship puzzles!
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Doors open 6:15 pm for light reception & CASH bar.
The Twentieth Century Club
FREE parking in UPMC lot across the street!
Recognizing Your Child’s Spiritual Gifts
Presented by Emily Pompei, Medical Intuitive
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
LOCATION: Green Heiress Building 2
The Art of Self-Care: Finding and Living In the Stillpoint
Presented by Sheila Collins and Christine Gautreaux
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Doors open 6:15 pm for light reception & CASH bar.
The Twentieth Century Club
FREE parking in UPMC lot across the street!